VOTE on AUGUST 4TH!!! Show NCRA what “Democracy in Action” REALLY Means!!!

Yes, the time to actually VOTE is almost upon us! We need to send a crystal-clear message that the nominating and election process at NCRA is TOTALLY BROKEN and it must be done away with. As things stand …

Lip-Synching Democracy – NCRA’s Milli Vanilli Moment

In a recent Facebook post, NCRA’s President Stephen Zinone – or, hopefully, his ghostwriter – through a tour de force of NCRA’s governing documents and applicable law, held NCRA’s election process up as a shining example of “democracy …

It’s a Brave New World, Indeed, My Little Pretty

As we all know by now, a couple of past presidents started a company a few years ago that is now gaining some traction. In a news release, they describe their new business as “the beginning of a …

A Super-Secret Handshake + A Clique = An Oligarchy

  There are 14 members that sit on NCRA’s Board of Directors, but did you know it only takes THREE members to make any major decision? Yep, it’s the sneaky truth that we discovered while on our dig …

A Question of Ethics

After the last WakeUpNCRA post, we became very curious about the new president and president-elect that will automatically be installed in early August. Since they are not involved in contested elections and the questionnaires that would give a …

The Big Dig and Being Blind-Sided by the Secret Handshake

Did you know that there are three contested elections that need to be voted on on August 4th? We here at WakeUpNCRA didn’t know about these elections until we began hearing from the candidates themselves. So we decided …

Smelly Armadillo Roadkill in Texas! Vote NO! to Every Single TCRA Bylaw Amendment!

There are 21 (twenty-one,  XXI … 21!) bylaws changes that will be voted on  during a luncheon at the Texas Court Reporters Association convention in San Antonio next week.  In the year 2016, when  reporters are leaders in …

Alamo-like Massacre: Dark Days Ahead for Texas CSRs

What is the motivation behind the small number of reporters and others that want to do away with the 1/3 Rule in Texas? Hmmm, could it be because they are or represent contracting companies that are losing money …

We’re Not Dead Yet.

Do you remember the scene in Monty Python’s Holy Grail when the dead collector is calling in the street to “Bring out the dead” and the old man says, “I’m not dead yet” as the big man is …

Your VOTE Counts!!! BE COUNTED!!! Please VOTE Now!!!

Amendment No. 2 of the Constitution and Bylaws proposed by the NCRA Board of Directors is all about VOTING and the future of NCRA. Because if Amendment No. 2 passes, it will be the beginning of giving voting …