All of Us Here at WUNCRA Put Our Heads Together, and We Can Only Come Up With One Company Dedicated to Remote Steno Reporting

That one company is owned by two past presidents of NCRA.

Why is the National Court Reporters Foundation, through a “Remote Reporting Committee,” ”working on educating the industry on remote judicial reporting and potentially coming up with best practices, provide seminars, etc.”?

So now when those two presidents go out to market their remote reporting company, not only do they have the imprimatur of being past presidents of NCRA, they can say that the NCRA is totally behind their company by saying, “Hey, look, NCRA has seminars on remote reporting, they’ve developed best practices, and even provide seminars on remote reporting.”

All we can say is “CHA-CHING!” for two past presidents … again, on the backs of those wonderful angels (and the huge donation from that big 1-800 company).

Now, all they’ll need is a national notary so they can swear witnesses over the Internet in your state, too.  Of course, they’ve promised to send you a check every time they take your work and give you the opportunity to stay home, right?  No way THAT can go wrong!

The NCRF taking this big step that benefits just a couple of members is wrong … on many levels.  Taking this big step for a couple of past presidents is simply unconscionable.

Wake Up, NCRA!
Frank N. Sense

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