Here’s What the Board REALLY Doesn’t Want You to Know!!!

There are so many reasons to Vote NO!!! on the current proposed amendments, but all of us here at Wake Up NCRA! only have a few days left to sort it out before the big vote this upcoming THURSDAY!!!

One of the proposed changes to the election procedures is to expand the balloting process from 12 hours to two weeks!

Let’s explain how bad this is for membership by giving a hypothetical scenario:

You have a hypothetical Nominating Committee Vice President nominee named Maureen who has lots of friends on the board and is part of the clique. A super-qualified member named Kendra, who gets totally snubbed by the Nominating Committee because she’s just not cool enough, gets 100 nominations from Voting Members to run in a contested election against Maureen.

Esperanza, who initially nominated Maureen for the position of Vice President, has a huge list of NCRA members. In this age of leaks, Esperanza finds out that Maureen is behind in the votes on day eight of the two weeks and goes on a marathon of calling and e-mailing to get more members to vote for Maureen. Of course, none of the leaked information gets out to Kendra. VOILA! Maureen wins the VP seat by ten votes.

Hey, Board of Directors, if you want more NCRA members to vote in the election, how about spending that two weeks before the election marketing that the balloting is going to be open for 12 hours on August 10th!!! Voting 12 hours works for choosing the President of the United States. It’s PLENTY of time to choose board members for NCRA while hopefully avoiding improprieties.

Wake Up NCRA!
Frank N. Sense

P.S. Please send this to at least ten NCRA members so that they know to vote NO! on all of the bylaws amendments on August 10th, too.

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