That’s right!
Everybody on the NCRA Board should RESIGN!
The Strong Committee is the only committee of NCRA that really cares about protecting our stenographic jobs!
Go to the NCRA website and look at all of the research and facts the Strong Committee has uploaded.
Everything that the Strong Committee has done should be implemented as the Strategic Plan for NCRA for the next five years.
Recently, the Strong Committee even blew the doors off the stale Ducker Report that has been used as the backbone for many of our past “leaders” launching their lucrative new careers in competing industries under the guise of the impending shortage of steno reporters. Why hasn’t the NCRA Board even said a word about it?
RESIGN NCRA Board members!
It is our belief that NCRA’s business is simply to protect the continuation of the business of NCRA, and NOT the livelihoods of stenographic reporters.
The only way that members even have access to the board is through the buffer of NCSA. Why is NCSA even necessary? The board members are so elite and out of touch that they need a buffer from their members!
RESIGN NCRA Board members!
The current president has always been very vocal on social media in the past. He became president, and we hear radio silence. But you get to listen to his “town hall” addresses if you sign up for them. Why does the board keep their membership at arm’s length?
Please, NCRA Board, for the good of the profession, RESIGN! And let the steno reporters who care about the profession lead us into the future!
Let’s all get STRONG again!
P.S. Hmm, now we’re kind of curious about who was in leadership around the time of the Ducker Report. Whose idea was it? Why was it even necessary? How much was spent on it? Why did membership even need to pay for a report that contained one short sentence that had such a negative impact on stenographic reporters and became “manna from heaven” for so few?
P.P.S. And while we’re digging into history, what happened to all of the money from the sale of NCRA’s fully-paid-for building?