A past NCRA DSA recipient and co-chair of SOS Plan B, the catalyst for the change in the conversation to digital recording going on right now – and the group that was not-affiliated-whatsoever-
“Sandy Bunch Vanderpol: Since NCRA is a boutique association, representing and promoting “Steno Only,” I understand the Board’s actions. However, I don’t necessarily agree. I would like to receive data that steno is the only option for judicial reporting, depositions more specifically … NCRF, and I as the chair of the NCRF Remote Reporting Committee, is working on educating the industry on remote judicial reporting and potentially coming up with best practices, provide seminars, etc. …”
All of us here at WUNCRA — and we’re sure general membership of the “boutique association” called NCRA — want to know if this “chair of the NCRF Remote Reporting Committee,” is an owner in, has any affiliation with, is besties with, or is expecting any remuneration whatsoever from any company or associate of any “remote reporting” company. We also want to know under which board/president this chair of NCRF’s Remote Reporting Committee became a trustee of the NCRF.
Perhaps the “angels” should cease all donations to the NCRF until membership is provided with the requested data.
We took our own poll, and our data reflects that 100% of us here at WUNCRA agree that NCRA needs to continue to represent and promote “Steno Only.”
Wake Up, NCRA!
Frank N. Sense