NCRA has lost a CEO and four board members within a month. We lost the CFO somewhere along the line, but nobody has let us know when that happened.
Something REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad must have been discovered to have lost so much “leadership” in an organization in such a short span of time.
All of us here at WUNCRA have had “that icky feeling” for many, many years. Please check out some of our previous posts.
Did someone’s or someones’ hands get caught in the cookie jar?
Maybe now there will be a full accounting of the $5 million that was made from the fully-paid-off building that was sold behind closed doors. How much rent is being paid on the Class-A office space?
Membership has SO MANY questions, and we deserve to have answers to ALL of them!!! Secrecy breeds mistrust – for instance, causing membership to dwindle down from 36,000 to 11,000. (That’s 25,000 people also experiencing “the ickies.”)
Also, now is not the time for public relations damage control. Membership is beyond all of those platitudes!!!
One thing that we all agree on here at WUNCRA is that we object to the gentleman appointed by the board to fill in until the next election. He lost two elections. Doesn’t that tell the board that MEMBERSHIP does not want him as a board member?
When you keep on doing the same old things, expect the same old results.
There are so many fine members out there qualified to lead NCRA out of these tumultuous times. We threw out names just off of the top of our heads and in less than a minute came up with a fine gentleman from Washington, two or three marvelously smart women from Texas, and one from Colorado.
Board members, please reconsider that appointment for the betterment of the organization.
Frank N. Sense