Vote in Favor of Robert’s Rules of Order!!!
And NO!!! to Every Other Proposed Bylaw Amendment!!!

Please remember the chaos that NCRA’s current president caused when she bypassed the board process and made major decisions regarding third-party contracting based on her “personal beliefs.”  Please also recollect the meeting on March 9th that was called  and held in a room that was too small, leaving members (many of whom drove in a snowstorm!) waiting in anterooms while nonmember 1-800 company executives  were allowed to sit in the room with the Board of Directors … and make presentations!  In our opinions, this president should have been “impeached” for violating NCRA’s Code of Professional Ethics. (Please refer back to “A Most Serious Matter” posted on WakeUpNCRA.com, April 27, 2018).

Remember the Petition that was signed by over 1,300 NCRA members in less than two weeks – demanding that NCRA stand by its actions on contracting before NCRA’s president tried to muscle through her “personal beliefs” on third-party contracting … and the Executive Director, while at the Firmowners’ Conference, implored that she will not back off of the third-party contracting stance because NCRA represents ALL reporters, including  those that work for 1-800 companies.*

Membership needs to send a message and not allow the current president and her besties to change NCRA’s voting process or reduce the number of board members that serve on NCRA’s board. 

Please vote in favor of making Robert’s Rules of Order the foundation for running NCRA board meetings.

Please VOTE in favor Bylaw Amendment No. 12 and ONLY Bylaw No. 12.**  Please  vote AGAINST all other Bylaw Amendments.

 Please VOTE, NCRA!
Frank N. Sense

P.S. Please send this post to ten NCRA members so that they know how important it is to VOTE!, too!
*Funny how it was only executives and none of the reporters who work for the 1-800 companies that were in the room presenting on March 9th, eh?
**After the business meeting, Amendment 12 may be renumbered.  Please pay attention to the ballot.

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