No Changes in Platitudes or Changes in Attitudes.

Here’s the only response from our “leaders” of NCRA this week.* 

Apparently, a whole bunch of state leaders and members want to attend the board of directors’ meeting on March 9th in Virginia, many others have requested to have the meeting videoconferenced, and the president continues to lead NCRA with a lack of transparency.

So here you have it:

“Good evening, Leaders. 

“The NCRA Board of Directors acknowledges that some of our members have concerns regarding the status of our support as it relates to third-party contracting legislation initiatives.” 

Honey, let us tell ya, save and except for a few steno project people, ALL of the membership of NCRA have more than “concerns” about your third-party contracting legislation initiatives.

“We value the engagement of our members.”

Platitudes! Platitudes!

Probably not.  All of us here at WUNCRA are thinkin’ that the board of directors is wishing that Virginia never spoke to the executive director asking for the backup of NCRA for their anti-contracting legislation and that the November, 2016, executive session held in the dark of night determining that NCRA— by agreement, not a vote – changed its stance on the contracting issue was still buried in those paltry minutes.  Just a hunch, though.

“Our agenda is not quite complete.  We are anticipating delivery to the board sometime tomorrow, at which time it will also be posted on the website. “

As the teacher in “Charlie Brown” says:   Wah! Wha! Whaaa!!!

“Please be advised that based on preliminary conversations with legal counsel, the topic of third-party contracting will very likely be in executive/closed session.  Please review the remainder of the agenda for issues of interest prior to making any travel arrangements.”

More decisions to be made in the dark of night? After all that has happened these past weeks, this board of directors cannot be serious!

“As it relates to the request on this listserv to have remote access to the meeting, we will attempt tomorrow to see what we can do.  Our current board room is not set up to accommodate a Zoom or a telephone meeting.  This has been attempted with less than desirable results.  In the alternative, we will attempt to arrange to have the open portion of the board meeting captioned.   I’m not making any promises, but we will look into the logistics.”

So, the Board of Directors sold our No. 1 asset for $5 million, moved the association into Class-A office space in one of the most expensive areas of the USA … AND the board room cannot accommodate state-of-the-art meeting communications?  All of us here at WUNCRA aren’t buyin’ it, Madam President.

“We will be in touch as soon as possible.  We look forward to a productive meeting. “

Wha! Wha! Whaa!!!  More platitudes and more too little too late (assuming that this board does anything at all)!

“Have a great evening.



All of us here at WUNCRA believe that it’s time for the board to take a step back and realize exactly WHO you are serving!  If you’re not serving the members who placed you on that board of directors, you need to step down from the board.

NCRA needs some skilled crisis management to take over the reins of NCRA and hopefully save what will be left of this association if this sell-out of membership does not stop!

To paraphrase the Parrot Head:  We need some changes in platitudes, changes in attitudes after all of the board’s cunning and all of its running – you know we’re not laughing because it’s all just insane.

 Frank N. Sense

P.S. Please send this to ten NCRA members so that they know the latest from the president of the association.

* Thank you, again, to the contributors of this post.

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