Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!

So, a bunch of members want to attend the NCRA Board of Directors meeting TOMORROW, and apparently the room is full and a contingent of NCRA’s membership from Florida have been told not to come.

Here’s the president’s response, once again, delayed:


“Requests received from members wishing to attend have been placed in the room in order of receipt.  Due to fire codes, we cannot accommodate additional attendees in the room at the same time.”

So, here’s an easy solution:  Move the meeting to a larger venue! 

“We have done our best to reasonably accommodate those wishing to participate to the best of our ability and with the best of intentions. “

Was the decision to take a neutral stance on the contracting issue 16 MONTHS AGO taken with the best intentions, too?

“If states wish to attend and wait in the lobby or one of our small conference rooms for their turn to enter the room, we will accommodate that.  However, the fire code will not allow for more than 30 people in the board room.”

So, here’s an easy solution:  Move the meeting to a larger venue!

You already knew that the room would only hold 30 people, why is this information just being shared now?  SHAME ON YOU!

We have an Executive Director making almost a quarter of a million dollars a year who will not * make arrangements for a proper venue that will seat 100 members of NCRA and with state-of-the-art communications so that members who can’t attend in person can still participate?  SHAME ON YOU, TOO!

“We do want everyone to have the opportunity to be heard. “

No you don’t!

 “We have allowed each state the opportunity to provide a position paper.  We have received several submissions which the board will review.  Thank you.”

Yes, position papers were slammed together and sent in by 5:00 p.m. this past Monday by some AMAZING leaders from around the country.   Does this Board of Directors feel no shame for putting those leaders through those hoops?

“The states present will be allowed to speak for five minutes.  This will not be an interactive session in a question and answer format.”


“Arrangements are being made for a realtime captioning stream of this portion of the meeting.  Details will be provided to the listserv. 

So, here’s an easy solution:  Move the meeting to a larger venue! … A  larger venue that will provide state-of-the-art communications for every member who wishes to participate in this very important meeting.

“Our board is aware of the importance of this issue to our members and we thank you for your participation. We all look forward to seeing those of you able to attend on Friday.  Safe travels.”

Then why are you remaining behind the iron curtain of secrecy?



Madam President AND Madam Immediate Past President, please … JUST  RESIGN … NOW!!!  Your “leadership” and secrecy has and continues to cause turmoil!  There are members and leaders traveling to Virginia (many in bad weather!) right now because of all of the chaos that you have created. 

As for the rest of the Board of Directors, your silence is speaking volumes!  You are supposed to be the “cream” of leadership in this country. 

There are over 1300 signatures to the petition that has gone around. That is more members than voted in the last several elections.  When will you finally listen to your membership and LEAD?

There’s an old adage:  Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way!  Right now NCRA does not need any more followers.  If you’re not going to lead, then just get out of the way.

Frank N. Sense

P.S.  Let us tell you what is NOT leadership in this situation:  Suddenly becoming an expert on the fire code.

P.P.S. Thank you to the providers of the information for this post. 

* Just like she would not show up for Virginia!

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