Now that there is some cash lying around at NCRA after the sale of the allegedly once-paid-for-but-hocked-to-pay-for-a-GOLDEN-parachute building*, the rumor is that some self-proclaimed “thought leaders” ** are frothing at the mouths trying to get their beaks into a chunk of that money like a bunch of seagulls following a trawler off the coast of Louisiana waiting for the chum to be thrown overboard.
Yep, that’s right, the ramifications of the rumors is that the Flagship of our profession is going to be gutted like a dead Mississippi catfish after these “thought leaders” fillet almost $500,000 from YOUR bank account at NCRA to fund the tuitions of the schools of students that will be vetted by THEMafter making it through the A to Z Program. Apparently, they have some super magical formula *** for flooding certified reporters into the marketplace that wasn’t worth sharing with membership without tapping into a big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
How much money will be lopped off the top for “administrative fees” before any of that bait gets down to the students? Which “thought leader” will be the aDminiStrAtor???
All of us here at WUNCRA have so many questions. Will the board answer to membership before sinking a half-million dollars? They better before more members “fish or cut bait”!!! It’s renewal time!!!
Frank N. Sense
* It’s time for the board to come clean with a FULL ACCOUNTING on the sale of the building. Ignoring the requests of membership is not going to make this stinky fish disappear.
** Note: If a group of somebodies refers to themselves as “thought leaders,” it’s time to find a new fishing hole far, far away from where they’re fishing for our money. We’ve never heard real thought leaders refer to themselves as thought leaders. Have you?
*** We all KNOW that there is no super magical formula. The only true magic at work here, in our opinions, is $500,000 disappearing from the bank account of NCRA and reappearing into the pockets of some “thought leaders.”