But we know that we’re not. The membership numbers aren’t horribly misinformed.
What has our leadership done to control the mass exodus that NCRA has experienced over the past ten or 15 years? NOTHING! They WANT a dwindling membership so that they can say that NCRA will die without credentialing recorders and voicewriters. The single idea that has been most advanced and pursued by leadership has been the umbrella, and the things that they’ve done in pursuit of the umbrella has been against stenographic reporters. This relentless pursuit has not served the interest of stenographic reporters, but it has served the business models, resumes, etc. of “leadership. “
Aren’t you just sick of hearing about the umbrella association model? We don’t think that we’re horribly misinformed that our “leaders” are counting on the few members left having “umbrella association fatigue” so they are able to slip it in as NCRA’s model. These are the things that happen when an association is run by a secret illuminati.
This Board of Directors has the power and ability to have NCRA run with complete transparency. But they CHOOSE to run it with secrecy, and then we are accused of being “horribly misinformed” when we dig up nuggets of truth and share them with membership. Imagine the nuggets that we’ve missed! We’re sure that there are many that we’ll never know about.
This Board of Directors gave this year’s Distinguished Service Award to a woman whose business model, in our opinions, is more about making money off of an umbrella/”continuum of services” than it is about the best interests of stenographic reporters. Does that make us here at WakeUpNCRA horribly misinformed, or is it the Board of Directors that’s horribly misinformed? The DSA should only be given to a recipient that benefits membership as opposed to one who exploits membership.
Membership is still entitled to a full accounting on the sale of that paid-for $5 million building! Maybe it was worth a few million more than $5 million, and we were TOTALLY fleeced. Some of our limited research shows that a Massachusetts-based real estate firm was used as the agent for the building AND the acquisition of the spendy new office space. We find that to be VERY curious. The more digging we do, the more convinced we are that we are not horribly misinformed about what went down around the sale of the building.
Wake Up, NCRA!
Frank N. Sense
P.S. Please send this post to NCRA members on your contacts list so that they’re not horribly misinformed, either.