We Smell a Rat!

There are 14 officers and directors that sit on the board of NCRA.  With all of that “hard work, service and perseverance” sitting right there before our very eyes, we wondered why in the world our now immediate past president felt it necessary to place two nonboard members on the search committee for the new CEO/executive director of NCRA.  Why isn’t the Secretary-Treasurer, who is beloved and trusted by the membership of NCRA, on the search committee, but a gentleman who lost resoundingly in last year’s election is on it?  Do you think that maybe he’ll cancel out the vote of the woman he lost to last year?

There was whispering chatter at the Vegas convention that a member of NCRA whose business services voicewriters, electronic recorders and steno reporters is vying for the job.  We’re wondering, are the two nonboard members friends with that member? Actually, with the immediate past president or the new president breaking a tie, only one of those nonboard members needs to be in the clique to vote in favor of that hire.

Is the grand “strategic plan” to dwindle the membership down to right under 12,000 voting members (from a high in the mid 30,000s) so that NCRA can become about certifying electronic recorders and voicewriters?  The dwindling part of the plan is working.

And about dwindling membership, when you have a dissatisfied customer, don’t you normally try to find out why your customer is dissatisfied so that you can rectify the problem?  How could NCRA lose 25,000 members in less than ten years and not know why so many members have jumped ship?  Could it be that they just … don’t … care?  Because, gosh darn it, they’ve lost the battles of the cries of membership to remain a steno-only organization, but it’s so satisfying to win the war!

Wake Up, NCRA!
Frank N. Sense

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