When you watched the movie ”TITANIC,” weren’t you at least silently saying, “Rose, blow the whistle! Blow the whistle! Call the rescuers back!” so Rose could be saved after Jack froze to death and sank to the bottom of the ocean?
Our fellow NCRA members, that is the exact position we are in regarding our Board of Directors. Last year we had three leaders voted on to the BOD from the floor after being dissed by the Nominating Committee. Two of them are on the Executive Committee.* The Executive Committee of five makes EVERY major decision regarding NCRA. That’s right! It actually only takes three votes of the Executive Committee to make a decision to, say, sell the debt-free NCRA headquarters building for $5 million, and disappear $2.3 million of that money without having to answer to anybody but themselves! The Nominating Committee, once again, chose a woman for the vice president position after membership voted against her last year! We submit to you that if she doesn’t have an opponent at this year’s election that the Executive Committee “trifecta” will consist of Chris, Tiva and Doreen next year.
Our sleuths did some diving into NCRA history and found a bunch of brave leaders who have previously run from the floor! We are “blowing the whistle”and imploring Donna C., Judy W., Sandra M., Viola Z. – even Melanie S. – to sign up again and rescue NCRA!
And speaking of leaders, how about Toni P., Lisa K., Rosalie, Karen M. — or even the fine gentleman from Washington State, Roger F., who recently wrote an eloquent e-mail calling for action that was forwarded on to a few of us here at WUNCRA – running for the Board of Directors?
We need to reach a critical mass of new leadership to break up the cliques! There are 14 people on the NCRA Board of Directors. Membership – YOU – without any help from Nom Com – YOU voted in three last year. Four new leaders running this year from the floor** will continue last year’s momentum and get seven leaders on the board not looking for self-gain. One running for and winning the V.P. position on the Executive Committee will surely break the triumvirate.
Perhaps you, reading this very blog right now, are one of those leaders! Have you been rejected by the Nominating Committee in the past? YOUR association needs YOU back! Or maybe you know an ideal candidate! If you do, please urge them to run!
We are blowing the whistle for new leadership so that WE – NCRA MEMBERSHIP! – can be rescued by new leaders that WE NOMINATE and WE ELECT from OUR OWN ranks!
Wake Up NCRA!
Frank N. Sense
P.S. Please send this to at least 10 NCRA members so that we get the word out that we’re looking for leaders to run for the Board of Directors.
*We have a suspicion that Sue and Debbie “Aren’t Feelin’ the Love” on the E.C. after their bravery of running from the floor last year. Just a hunch.
** The vice president (a critical executive committee position) and three director positions.