Yes, the time to actually VOTE is almost upon us!
We need to send a crystal-clear message that the nominating and election process at NCRA is TOTALLY BROKEN and it must be done away with.
As things stand now, it is possible for the Nominating Committee to be completely made up of people who have never been elected by us. And without members running from the floor in contested elections, it’s also possible for that unelected nominating committee to give us “leaders” who have never received our support in a truly democratic election.
The only way to have a chance of stopping past presidents from using the cachet of “leading” NCRA to cash in on their personal career goals is to STOP the oligarchy.
Sue Terry, Debbie Dibble and Christine Phipps have stepped up and have publicly stated that “career advancement” is not their goal!!! We should trust their openness and transparency.
We have not heard ONE WORD from the president, the president-elect or the director who have been “deemed elected” by the oligarchy. These secret-handshake candidates are taking advantage of NCRA’s rules and choosing not to tell members what their plans are for NCRA and – more importantly — what their plans are for when they leave NCRA. This is because they are automatically in and don’t have to bother with pesky ol’ elections. The bubbly is already flowing at their invitation-only victory parties!!!
The reason that Sue Terry, Debbie Dibble and Christine Phipps are on the ballot is because they have already been supported by at least 100 of US. 1000% transparent, no secret handshake involved. That means that they’re OUR nominees and now it’s time to put them in office as OUR LEADERS!!!
Wake Up NCRA!!! VOTE!!!
Frank N. Sense
P.S. Please send this to every NCRA member in your contacts list so that they know how important their VOTE is, too!