Did you know that there are three contested elections that need to be voted on on August 4th? We here at WakeUpNCRA didn’t know about these elections until we began hearing from the candidates themselves. So we decided to do a little digging ourselves by going to NCRA’s website – and, by gosh, digging we had to do!
After finally figuring out that the BIG DIG begins under the “About NCRA” tab, and then clicking on the “Board of Directors” tab, then finally noticing the big blue box that contains “Election Center” in the tiny-font soup – while the first three Nominating Committee candidates’ photos are staring you right in the face – we finally reached a sign-in screen after which we found some more tiny font to click on to “learn more about the 2016 nominees.”
Whew! After taking a break to recover from the mental gymnastics, we dove into the candidates’ questionnaires. (By the way, there is NOTHING, no questionnaires, NO INFORMATION AT ALL!, about the president, president-elect, or the one director who are not facing opponents this year. So much for full disclosure and transparency.)
After reading ALL of the candidates’ questionnaires, we have determined that YOUR nominating process is broken. When the same old same old gets appointed to the Nominating Committee, the result is the same old same old candidates. We are convinced that the three candidates that are “running from the floor” just did not receive the secret handshake before the interview process.
The three candidates not chosen by the NomCom include the INVENTOR of the TRAIN program, a recipient of the Woman of Outstanding Leadership award, and one who was instrumental in getting a realtime courthouse implemented. The Nominating Committee’s recommendations cannot even hold a candle to these three LEADERS!
Please read about them, and you too will be convinced that it was just being blind-sided by the secret handshake that kept them from not making it through NomCom. We are providing links to their individual sites so that you don’t have to go through The Big Dig:
Vision 2018 implores NCRA to “Think Different.” Sue, Debbie and Christine have already demonstrated that they do!
Wake Up NCRA!
P.S. NCRA’s nominating process gave us SueLynn, and it did not give us Melanie. Just sayin’.
P.P.S. Please make sure to VOTE on August 4th – and send this to 10 NCRA members so that they know to vote, too.