Your VOTE Counts!!! BE COUNTED!!! Please VOTE Now!!!

Amendment No. 2 of the Constitution and Bylaws proposed by the NCRA Board of Directors is all about VOTING and the future of NCRA. Because if Amendment No. 2 passes, it will be the beginning of giving voting rights and major influence to associate members who are not verbatim stenographic reporters.

If you believe that NCRA should be all about verbatim stenographic reporters, then VOTE AGAINST all three sections of Amendment No. 2.

If you haven’t received an e-mail from NCRA, the voting site is:

You will need your NCRA membership number and your password to VOTE!!!

Amendment No. 2 is broken into three parts, so please make sure that you VOTE in each section.

Frank N. Sense

P.S. Please send this blog post or the link to at least ten reporters to remind them to VOTE, too!!!

P.P.S. The polls are only open until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. Please VOTE NOW!!!