Please make sure that NCRA has an e-mail address on file by July 15th so that you are able to vote on a very important proposed bylaw amendment on July 30th.
The proposed bylaw amendment, if passed, will allow VIDEOGRAPHERS “associate” membership into NCRA – allowing them “associate” membership rights, including voting and potentially holding board positions in the future!!!
We are sorry, but we don’t understand why the board would spend any of their valuable time even pursuing this already-settled issue. Haven’t we, the verbatim stenographic reporter members of NCRA, already spoken LOUDLY and CLEARLY in a survey a few years ago that we want NCRA dedicated solely to verbatim stenography and advancing the causes near and dear to verbatim stenography?
Frank N. Sense
P.S. Please send this Wake Up, NCRA! blog to 10 reporters so that they can send it to 10 reporters so that we all VOTE on July 30th. We need to get the word out quickly!!!