We’ve heard it all before, a proposal gets made, a committee gets formed, the proposal gets vetted, and suddenly the camel’s nose comes under the tent by way of a “fully reviewed and vetted” proposal that is against the interests of Verbatim Stenographic Reporters. Then when the camel’s nose is already under the tent, the Board says, “Let’s let membership decide.” But membership knows that once the camel’s nose has gotten in the tent, very soon we’ll have a big, old camel in our tent.
Verbatim Stenographic Reporters know this, and we have stated over and over and over again that we want NCRA to remain an organization focused on Verbatim Stenographic Reporters only.
So hairs are just being split when we hear that videographers won’t hold board positions because a new category of “associate” membership was created only allowing them to vote. The Board is leading us down a slippery slope.
Doesn’t the Board even wonder why videographers want to be included by having voting rights in NCRA? We sure do!
It’s not hard to imagine them eventually voting themselves the right to hold board positions. Is this special “associate member” category the first camel nose in the tent that begins with videographers, then eventually leads to electronic recorders and voicewriters?
Wake Up, NCRA!!!
So, videographers are chomping at the bit to get voting rights in NCRA. Please make sure that NCRA has an e-mail address on file by July 15th so you can cast your coveted vote on July 30th.
Frank N. Sense
P.S. Please send this blog site, www.wakeupncra.com, to 10 Verbatim Stenographic Reporters so that they know about this very important issue and they cast their votes on July 30th.